Our investment process starts at the top with you. We'll guide you through the process of identifying and defining your personal values around investing, your priorities and goals, and the development of a comprehensive financial profile that details your time horizon, potential income needs, tolerance for investment risk, and attitudes toward investing.
Our Investment Philosophy
Our principal business is providing fiduciary financial planning and investment management services.
Our mission is to develop enduring relationships with our clients by providing expert fiduciary guidance to help them achieve their financial goals.
We believe that an investment portfolio’s risk can be reduced, and its return maximized by appropriately allocating capital among multiple asset classes that differ over time (e.g. in projected risk, return and correlation), and by systematically rebalancing the portfolio to those predetermined allocations as asset class drift, or other triggering events occur.
Investment Research and Portfolio Construction
We use Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and long-term capital markets assumptions made about various asset classes, to determine appropriately optimized model portfolio allocations along the efficient frontier.
We use cyclical, fundamental, technical, quantitative and qualitative analysis to develop the asset allocation strategies and select the underlying investments in the portfolios it recommends.
We examine underlying funds (primarily ETFs and mutual funds) performance histories in terms of returns, risk, style consistency, expenses, manager tenure, and other quantitative information relative to peers. These underlying mutual funds and ETFs are frequently evaluated on their continued fit within portfolios, as well as on a stand-alone basis.
This is a more tactical approach to asset allocation, and will at times, differ slightly from our long-term strategic models.
Based on our professional view of the economy and the fluctuating market valuations of various asset classes, we will at times, tilt the allocations to overweight or underweight asset classes in the portfolios we manage.
This dynamic approach to long-term strategic asset allocation combines systematic rebalancing and tactical adjustments, and seeks to optimize risk/return related performance by reducing allocations to asset classes when they're relatively expensive, and increasing allocations to asset classes when relatively inexpensive.
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